I. District Assembly Delegates:
II. CTM Assembly and Convention Delegates
III. NYI Convention Delegates
IV. NMI Convention Delegates
V. SDMI Convention Delegates
I. District Assembly Delegates:
- Membership. The district assembly shall be composed of all assigned elders (532-532.3, 533-533.1, 536.9); all assigned deacons (531-531.4, 536.9); all assigned licensed ministers (530.8); all retired assigned ministers (534-534.1); the district secretary (216.2); the district treasurer (219.2); chairpersons of standing district committees reporting to the district assembly; any lay presidents of Nazarene institutions of higher education, whose local church membership is on the district; the District Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI) chairperson (239.2); the district age-group ministries international directors (children and adult); the District SDMI Board; the president of the District Nazarene Youth International (NYI) (240.4); the president of the District Nazarene Missions International (NMI) (241.2); the newly elected superintendent or vice superintendent of each local SDMI Board (146); the newly elected president or vice president of each local NYI (151); the newly elected president or vice president of each local NMI (153.2); or an appropriately elected alternate may represent the NMI, NYI, and SDMI organizations in the district assembly; those serving in assigned roles of ministry according to 503-526.1; the lay members of the District Advisory Board (221.4); lay career missionaries whose local church membership is on the district; all retired assigned lay career missionaries whose local church membership is on the district; and the lay delegates from each local church and church-type mission in the assembly district. (24, 113.14-113.15, 201.1-201.2)
113.14. At the annual church meeting, there shall be an election, by ballot, of lay delegates to the district assembly, or, if approved by a majority vote of the church membership at the annual meeting, delegates may be recommended by the pastor and approved by the local church board on the basis of representation fixed by the General Assembly according to 201-201.2. All those elected as delegates shall be active members of that same local Church of the Nazarene. (107.3, 113.11)
Lay Delegates: 0-75 members = 1 delegate; 75-125 = 2; 126-175 = 3; 176-225 = 4;
226-275 = 5; 276-325 = 6; 326-375 = 7; 376-425 = 8; 426-475 = 9;
476-525 = 10; 526-575 = 11; 576-625 = 12; 626-675 = 13; 676-725 = 14;
726-775 = 15; 776-825 = 16; 826-875 = 17; 876-925 = 18; 926-975 = 19;
976-1025 = 20
Formula to calculate district assembly lay delegates:
Number of church members minus 75 divided by 50 plus 1 = lay delegates to elect. ALWAYS round up any fraction to next highest number. (For example: 4.04 would be 5 delegates)
II. Church Type Missions – for Assembly and Conventions
113.15. District assembly delegates from a church-type mission (CTM) may be appointed by its pastor based on criteria outlined in paragraphs 34, 201.1, and 201.2. Delegates may also be named by the CTM pastor for district conventions, based on specific criteria according to the bylaws, charter, or constitution governing each ministry (Nazarene Missions International, Nazarene Youth International, Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International). (100.1)
III. NYI Convention Delegates:
- The District NYI Convention is composed of the members of the District NYI Council, the district superintendent, local pastors, other assigned ordained ministers of the district who participate in NYI ministry, and local NYI delegates.
- All local NYI delegates to the District NYI Convention must be members of the Church of the Nazarene that they represent.
- The number of local NYI delegates for each church is determined by the membership figures on the most recent local Pastor’s Report prior to the District Assembly. District NYI leadership encourages local churches to make suitable arrangements for the expenses of delegates at- tending the District NYI Convention.
- The local NYI delegation to the District NYI Convention for churches with 30 or fewer NYI members consists of:
- The pastor and youth pastor or any full-time paid pastoral staff who participate in NYI ministry;
- The newly-elected local NYI president;
- Up to four elected delegates, with at least half being within the district-established NYI ministry focus.
- Local churches may add an additional delegate for each successive 30 local NYI members and/or final major part of those 30 members (i.e., 16-29 members). At least half of any additional delegates must be also within the district-established NYI ministry focus.
- The pastor of any local church or director of an approved Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Center not having an organized NYI may appoint one delegate.
Number of members – Number of delegates*
5-45 – 4 delegates; 46-75 – 5 delegates; 76-105 – 6 delegates;
106-135 – 7 delegates; 136-165 – 8 delegates; 166-195 – 9 delegates;
196-225 – 10 delegates; 226-255 – 11 delegates
Formula to calculate NYI delegates:
Number of NYI members minus 45 divided by 30 plus 4 = lay delegates to elect. ALWAYS round up any fraction to next highest number. (For example: 4.04 would be 5 delegates)
IV. NMI Convention Delegates:
- Membership
- Only members of the respective district shall be eligible to serve as ex officio or elected delegates.
- Ex officio members of the Convention shall be District NMI Council; district superintendent; all assigned ministers and full-time salaried associate ministers of local churches; lay members of the District Advisory Board; the local NMI presidents of the assembly year just ending, and newly elected NMI presidents or newly elected vice presidents if the newly elected president cannot attend; Global NMI Council member; retired assigned ministers; retired missionaries, missionaries on home assignment, and missionary appointees; and any former district presidents who reside on the district that they served.
- Elected delegates from each local church shall be NMI members (15 years of age or older). The number of elected delegates shall be based on the following formula: two delegates (excluding associate members) from each local NMI of 25 members or fewer, and one additional delegate for each additional 25 members or major portion thereof. Membership shall be based on the NMI membership re- ported at the local NMI annual meeting when elections take place. The local NMI nominating committee shall nominate delegates.
0-37 members = 2 delegates; 38-62 = 3; 63-87 = 4; 88-113 = 5
Formula to calculate NMI delegates:
Number of NMI members minus 37 divided by 25 plus 2 = lay delegates to elect. ALWAYS round up any fraction to next highest number. (For example: 4.04 would be 5 delegates)
V. SDMI Convention Delegates:
- Ex-officio members of the District SDMI Convention shall be: the district superintendent; all pastors, assigned ordained ministers, assigned district licensed ministers, retired assigned ministers, full-time associates; district SDMI chair, district directors of CMI and AMI, district NYI president; all local SDMI superintendents, local CMI and AMI directors, local NYI presidents; elected members of the District SDMI Board; lay members of the District Advisory Board; and any Nazarene full-time professors of Christian education with membership on that district.
- In the annual church meeting, each local SDMI shall elect additional representatives to the Convention, equal to 25 percent of the officers and teachers/leaders of SDMI ministries.